Thursday, May 6, 2010

SHOUT OUT TO FBS'S OWN STEPHANIE GALLO!!!! heard it right! One of our own is getting married this summer and we couldn't be more excited!!!! Stephanie....a talented floral well as the brainchild of our beautiful blog ( was all her design) and the creator of "Color Palette Friday" getting married at Belle Mer's Island House. I can't give away any major decor details (she's sworn me to secrecy!) but all I have to say is that we will be mixing florals and foliage with other "elements" that are truly original.....think "industry meets mother nature". Steph just "unveiled" her story boards to me today....oh my gosh they are so inspirational and so exciting and new. FBS will definitely be creating some original designs for this event and we couldn't be more psyched about it.....we are so looking forward to the challenge and of surprising Steph on her wedding day (sorry can't know EVERYTHING about your decor...we've got to hit you with a few surprises).
 Twice a month leading up to the wedding we will share with our viewers a "snip it" of what's going on in Steph's brain....just a picture or give you a sense of her style and the direction of the decor.  Much like a puzzle, you're going to want to see how all these elements end up fitting together so STAY TUNED!!! After the event we will be posting a trillion photos as well as the "story boards" she created to organize her fabulous ideas. We can't wait....!!!! Congratulations Steph and Brian!!!!!!

(Here's a photo of Steph's Save the Date postcard she made herself!)


  1. Oh man, I can't wait! Just when I thought the wedding couldn't get any more exciting, I read this post. Very exciting!

  2. Every time I hear Steph's ideas I think "wow that sounds cool. I wonder if it will work????" and then i remember who I am talking to....and realize....she's already planned out every last detail, and already tested EVERYTHING!!!! I don't think one petal will be out of place! It will be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
